Community Training Classes & Labs > F5 Programmability Training Index

Lab 1.3: Connect to f5-super-netops-container

In the previous lab we started the container image and were presented with a root command prompt. In order to use the container and its associated tools properly you connect via SSH and/or HTTP.

Task 1 – Connect via SSH

To connect to the image via SSH we must use the published port specified in the docker run command. To review the command used to start the container was:

docker run -p 8080:80 -p 2222:22 -p 10000:8080 --rm -it -e SNOPS_GH_BRANCH=develop f5devcentral/f5-super-netops-container:develop-jenkins

This will publish the standard SSH service on TCP/22 to TCP/2222 on the Docker host. In the case of the SSH service the following mapping applies:

localhost:2222 -> f5-super-netops-container:22


If you are using an F5 provided lab environment please use the SSH client and connect to the ‘f5-super-netops-container SSH’ item

Additionally the container includes the snops user with a password of default. To connect to the container execute the following command or it’s OS-specific equivalent:

ssh -p 2222 snops@localhost


The host SSH keys are regenerated each time the container boots. As a result you may receive an error when trying to connect indicating the host key has changed. This error is safe to ignore in this case and can be resolved by removing the key from ~/.ssh/known_hosts. You can also configure your local SSH config by adding the following to ~/.ssh/config:

Host localhost
Port 2222
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

Example output:

$ ssh -p 2222 snops@localhost
Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:2222' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
snops@localhost's password:
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          | |                                          | |
          |_|                                          |_|

Welcome to the f5-super-netops-container.  This image has the following
services running:

 SSH  tcp/22
 HTTP tcp/80

To access these services you may need to remap ports on your host to the
local container using the command:

 docker run -p 8080:80 -p 2222:22 -it f5devcentral/f5-super-netops-container:base

From the HOST perspective, this results in:

 localhost:2222 -> f5-super-netops-container:22
 localhost:8080 -> f5-super-netops-container:80

You can then connect using the following:

 HTTP: http://localhost:8080
 SSH:  ssh -p 2222 snops@localhost

Default Credentials:


Go forth and automate!
[snops@f5-super-netops] [~] $

Task 2 – Connect via HTTP

To connect to the image via HTTP we must use the published port specified in the docker run command. To review the command used to start the container was:

docker run -p 8080:80 -p 2222:22 -p 10000:8080 --rm -it -e SNOPS_GH_BRANCH=develop f5devcentral/f5-super-netops-container:develop-jenkins

This will publish the standard HTTP service on TCP/80 to TCP/8080 on the Docker host. In the case of the HTTP service the following mapping applies:

localhost:8080 -> f5-super-netops-container:80


If you are using an F5 provided lab environment please use the browser and click the ‘Super Netops Container’ bookmark.

To connect via HTTP open a web browser and enter the URL:

You should see a page like this:


Task 3 – Connect via Jenkins

To connect to the image via Jenkins we must use the published port specified in the docker run command. To review the command used to start the container was:

docker run -p 8080:80 -p 2222:22 -p 10000:8080 --rm -it -e SNOPS_GH_BRANCH=develop f5devcentral/f5-super-netops-container:develop-jenkins

This will publish the standard Jenkins service on TCP/8080 to TCP/10000 on the Docker host. In the case of the Jenkins service the following mapping applies: -> f5-super-netops-container:8080


There is no bookmark in your browser, you may find it easier to reference later if you create one after connecting the first time

To connect via HTTP open a web browser and enter the URL:

You should see a page like this:
